(Daughter of Prophet)
Ruqqayah born after her sister, Zainab. After the two men, born of Umm Kulthum in her life with after marrying Zainab. When Umm Kulthum Ruqqayah and approaching the age of marriage, Abu Talib proposed to them both for the two sons of Abu Lahab. Ruqayah married to 'Utbah, and was married to Umm Kulthum' Utaibah.
Shortly after the marriage, the Prophet Muhammad received the revelation. Abu Lahab saw the attitude hostile to Islam, their marriage was disudahi. Ruqayah later married Uthman ibn Affan. After a time after marriage, they immigrated to Habashah. Umm Kulthum remained with his father and mother.
Ruqoyah is a woman who emigrated twice, Muhajir party to Habashah (Ethiopia) took 11 men and four women. The delegation was led by Uthman ibn Affan, husband Ruqqayah. They leave the pleasures of life that only briefly, in the form of property, child and family, and country for the sake of Allah. They leave their homeland are expensive and headed Habashah, a distant country with residents of different nations, skin color, and culture, to defend the diimaninya creeds.
Migrate to Habashah was done because they are afraid of slander and save their religion to God. Not spreading the religion of Islam, because Habashah at that time embraced a new religion that rival it. But Habashah ruled by kings who politely. Migrate to Habashah is part of the transition and the continuation of the struggle. In a country that gives them comfort, the Islamic faith will remain lit. In the country they do not experience violence and harassment.
Imam Az-Dzahabi said: "Rukayya hijarah to Habashah with Uthman twice. The Prophet SAW said:" Surely the man (Uthman and Rukayya) are the people who first migrated to God after the Lot. "Ruqqayah back with Uthman to Mecca and Khadija's mother found dead. Then the Muslims moved from Mecca to Medina everything. Ruqqayah also emigrated with her husband, Uthman, so he became a woman who emigrated twice. It felt difficulties during the pilgrimage, he emigrated to establish her heart and loyal always accompany her husband.
Migrate to Medina marks the limit of two periods of the period of struggle prophet of Mecca and Medina period. Hijrah here implies a political, unifying the immigrants with the Anshor. When they reached the Prophet in Medina - before entering the city - he founded the Quba mosque, the first mosque in the Islamic era. In the Qur'an, the mosque is called "mosques who upheld the righteous" (Surah At-Tauba [9]: 109).
Hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad is also the development of a new point of preaching to the conditions better masyarakarat. Because, for preaching in Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad experienced many challenges and obstacles in the form of threats from his own society, the infidels of Quraish. Bad condition continued for a period of 13 years since the Prophet Muhammad received the apostolic message.
At the same time, in Medina, the Messenger mission to get a pretty good reception. He also sees opportunities for the establishment of Islamic rule there. Therefore, the Prophet of God as instructed to migrate. He left his native Mecca to Medina. In Madinahlah Rasulullah of Islam to successfully establish and uphold the institution of Islamic rule Daulah Islamiyah. In this city also, Ruqqayah return to the Lord after suffering a fever. Uthman experiencing a period of mourning long enough, he even refused to 'proposal' Umar ibn al-Khattab to marry with his daughter, Hafsa.
This refusal led Umar Uthman on the Prophet. Hearing that complaint, the Prophet smiled and said,''will marry Hafsa by someone better than Abu Bakr and Uthman Uthman will marry, while women are better than Hafsa.''Then the Prophet Muhammad Uthman married to Umm Kulthum. Hafsa was married to the Prophet Muhammad.
O God, pour and pour it keridhoan and grant us with the secrets that you keep him, Amin