Muhammad (Arabic: محمد, Mohammad, Mohammed, Orientalist: Mahomet, Mahomed) (570/571 - 632 AD) was the bearer of Islam, and is believed by Muslims as a prophet of Allah (the Messenger) the last. According to traditional Muslim biography (in Arabic called Sirat), he was born 20 April an estimated 570 / 571, in Mecca ( "Mecca") and died on June 8, 632 in Medina. Both cities are located in the Hejaz (Saudi Arabia today).
Michael H. Hart, in his book The 100, set Muhammad as the most influential figures in human history. According to Hart, Muhammad is the only person who managed to achieve remarkable success in both the religious and worldly things. He leads a nation that initially underdeveloped and fragmented, the developed nations which even able to defeat the Roman army on the battlefield.