Aqu maw Crita aneHku the end of the experience "ne ..
>ParaNgtritis ..">. kmaren pas Kenaikan Kelas Vacation, Aqu & temen "Q went to one beach in Yogyakarta>> Parangtritis ..
>ParaNgtritis ..">. an "yg beach was allegedly controlled by the royal princess suicide-been here, someone wrote the word" also because the face of the princess wrote kesYirikan sAudara'a damaged ..
. Nyi Roro Kidul, once people "call it ..
. back to the beginning story, Shortly after content to play "in there, aQ home ..
. get home, Aqu kacaMataQ remembered that the South left on the bridge when it ..
>niHiL !!">. I've looked "[fikirQ probably just forgotten Aqu narUh'a] hasiL'a>> Nothing!!
>niHiL !!">. akhir'a kureLakan Lah's keSayanganQ glasses ..
. TPI,,
. aQ yesterday when reaching for the seat of the motor mantoL once wrote aqu keParangtritis use it to go, come "just kaCamataQ'm there!!
. after they were 1 Aqu kPantai months since, well the day before, still remembered prominently in beNakQ, when aQ TSB motorcycle seat open, reaching for the vehicle registration, tag what is "there ..
. spontaneous Aqu surprised tha ..
. ibUk tnya aqu gag taw jga what "aDa'a ttg TSB kacAmataQ ..
. weird tha??
. Could it be, delivered queen ruling the South?
. Auk ah ..
>ParaNgtritis ..">. kmaren pas Kenaikan Kelas Vacation, Aqu & temen "Q went to one beach in Yogyakarta>> Parangtritis ..
>ParaNgtritis ..">. an "yg beach was allegedly controlled by the royal princess suicide-been here, someone wrote the word" also because the face of the princess wrote kesYirikan sAudara'a damaged ..
. Nyi Roro Kidul, once people "call it ..
. back to the beginning story, Shortly after content to play "in there, aQ home ..
. get home, Aqu kacaMataQ remembered that the South left on the bridge when it ..
>niHiL !!">. I've looked "[fikirQ probably just forgotten Aqu narUh'a] hasiL'a>> Nothing!!
>niHiL !!">. akhir'a kureLakan Lah's keSayanganQ glasses ..
. TPI,,
. aQ yesterday when reaching for the seat of the motor mantoL once wrote aqu keParangtritis use it to go, come "just kaCamataQ'm there!!
. after they were 1 Aqu kPantai months since, well the day before, still remembered prominently in beNakQ, when aQ TSB motorcycle seat open, reaching for the vehicle registration, tag what is "there ..
. spontaneous Aqu surprised tha ..
. ibUk tnya aqu gag taw jga what "aDa'a ttg TSB kacAmataQ ..
. weird tha??
. Could it be, delivered queen ruling the South?
. Auk ah ..